dinsdag 6 december 2011

New drawing, colour pencils 40 x 60 cm

Colour pencil drawing (40 x 60cm), of own dog.
I found her in a bush, together with her brothers and sisters, in 2001 in Perissa, Santorini (Greece).
We had seen the puppies the night before, searching for food and adventure at the terrace of restaurant 'Lava'. There were always cats at Lava, so the owner was not keen on dogs...
The next morning, I got up early and went out to look for them. Their mother was also around, she was a very sweet black labrador mix. But there was little hope that the puppies would survive the winter since the mother's owner didn't want them in, or around his house. We called the local animal protection group, SAWA, They collected the puppies and took them to their shelter.
A few weeks later, our 3-month old puppy was living with us, and our two other Greek dogs, in Holland. She is almost 11 years old now. She is happy, fit and healthy and most probably the sweetest dog in the world.

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