zondag 19 mei 2013

The final touches...finished!

Finished! This portrait of my youngest niece Vera was made with Caran D'Ache Supracoor Soft pencils, Faber Castell Polychromos and Derwent Coloursoft. The size is 100 x 65 cm.

zondag 12 mei 2013

Colored pencil drawing of Vera, stage 3

Slowly getting there! Besides the shawl and the hair, there is still quite some shading to do in the face, or it  will get to look too pale beside the vivid reds surrounding it.
I will scan the finalized drawing (in about 12 parts, then I will paste them together again in Adobe Photoshop) so the quality will be a lot better than in these photographs.
I hope to finish this picture sometime next week.

maandag 6 mei 2013

Colored pencil portrait (100x65cm), stage 2

...stage 2; a large size for a pencil drawing (see cup at the bottom of the picture). Great fun!
Today, I got quite a bit of work done. I hope to have the picture finished within 2 weeks from now.
I intend to enter it for the Derwent Art prize contest 2013 www.derwent-artprize.com

Colored pencil portrait (100x65 cm), stage 1

The largest picture I have made with colored pencils until now! And it is such fun! I hope to make even larger drawings in the future.
This lovely girl is my youngest niece. Besides being a beautiful girl, she has a lovely personality; I hope it shines through enough to do her justice in my drawing.


Our beloved dog Snuit died last Thursday. We found her, and her brothers and sisters, as puppies under a bush in Perissa, Santorini  (Greece) in 2001. One of her sisters still lives in Alphen (NL).
We miss Snuit very much. But drawing this picture made me feel a little closer to her.