It consists of two parts, like the other 'Never ending' pictures. Each picture is connected to the picture on ts left or right. The reason for this is, because the series is about the eternal circle of life and the balance in nature.
maandag 25 maart 2013
It consists of two parts, like the other 'Never ending' pictures. Each picture is connected to the picture on ts left or right. The reason for this is, because the series is about the eternal circle of life and the balance in nature.
zondag 10 maart 2013
Boy, pencil 3B
This pencil drawing is size 40x60 cm and to do justice to it, it needs to be viewed in a large size. So please click on the image!
It is always a bit of a problem to scan a portrait in 6 parts, and then paste them together in Photoshop. There are always slight deviations, which are most visible in a human portrait. Especially if you know the subject :-)
It is always a bit of a problem to scan a portrait in 6 parts, and then paste them together in Photoshop. There are always slight deviations, which are most visible in a human portrait. Especially if you know the subject :-)
vrijdag 1 maart 2013
'Oia', Grafstone graphite crayons 6B
Size 40 x 60cm.
For sale; € 900,- excl. 6% VAT and including international shipping.
The next picture will be a portrait. Almost done!